News & Events
Gift Responsibly: Lottery Tickets Don’t Make Good Gifts for Children
Early exposure to gambling increases the risks of developing a problem later in life. To raise...
Letting Go of Perfection During the Holidays
The miracles we celebrate each year would never be Pinterest paragons: Most of this season’s holidays have messy origin stories. We celebrate sparks of hope that showed up in the midst of chaos, uncertainty, fear and disorder.
How to Find Gratitude In Grief During the Holidays
While struggling with grief over the holiday season, gratitude could be a comfort and coping skill. But it can be hard to find gratitude while grieving.
5 Ways Poinsettias Brighten Your Holidays
Poinsettias are a holiday decorating powerhouse! They come in various sizes and colors, which...
Sensory-Friendly Halloween Costumes for Every Child
As a child, I loved unique, homemade Halloween costumes. My favorite was the robot costume made...
Six Pumpkin-Themed Sensory Activities
Pumpkins are more than just a seasonal decoration; they're a versatile tool for sensory play!...
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Media Inquiries
Members of the press should call Amy Umble, Communications Coordinator, at 540-640-2314 or [email protected]