Emergency Services: 540-373-6876

For parents of children with a developmental disability, life after high school can sound scary and confusing. Special education students finishing high school leave behind an array of mandated—and mostly consolidated—services. Finding new supports can seem daunting.

We offer several services for adults with a developmental disability, and we want to help you on your journey. We will hold a family networking event to help caregivers learn more about transitioning to adulthood.

Parents will be able to talk with other parents about their trials and successes, while RACSB staff will be available to answer questions about Medicaid waivers and provide details about day support and respite programs for adults with a developmental disability.

While parents gather information, teens and young adults will have the opportunity to make sensory dough. (Parents and caregivers will be able to join in the dough-making fun, if they would like.)

The event will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 8 at 750 Kings Highway in Stafford County. For more details or to RSVP, call 540-582-7200.

Supportive Services:

RACSB offers several programs that benefit adults with a developmental disability and their families, including:

  • Case Management: Our support coordinators help individuals with a developmental disability navigate services. Support coordinators assess individuals to determine their needs, then find the most appropriate services.
  • Day Support: With services tailored to each individual, Rappahannock Adult Activities Inc. supports individuals with varying levels of developmental disability.
  • Respite: Our Myers Drive Respite Home for adults with a developmental disability provides a safe, fun environment while giving caregivers time to recharge.
  • Residential: RACSB operates 10 group homes, three intermediate care facilities, and a supervised apartment program. The agency also offers sponsored placement, where individuals with a developmental disability receive personalized care in a family setting.

Community Supports: 

  •  Local school divisions have Parent Resource Centers which support special education students and their families:

                       Caroline County: 804-633-7083

                      King George County: 540-775-8610

                      Spotsylvania County: 540-582-7060

                      Stafford County: 540-658-6710