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These times can be unsettling for all of us, but individuals with developmental disability and their families, there is an added layer of challenges. Here are some resources to help.

New: Here is a Coping Kit to help families and caregivers of individuals with developmental disability. This kit is geared toward the adults who attend our day support program but most parts of the kit can be used for individuals of any age. In fact, we recommend that the behavior chart be used for children, as it uses stickers and food as reinforcements, which we do not encourage for adults.

The Arc has a communication kit with details to note in case your loved one must go to the hospital alone. This is a huge worry for families, but preparation should bring some peace of mind. Download this kit and fill out the forms.

The National Council on Severe Autism offers this webinar: Activities and tips for cooped up autism families.

And they have another great webinar, Preventing and managing challenging behaviors at home.

National Autistic Society (in the United Kingdom) has tips for adults with autism and for families dealing with autism.

Autism Speaks has a video on coping with COVID 19 disruptions.

And the American Psychological Association has a video on caring for children with autism during the outbreak

Special Olympics offers School of Strength, with videos, tips and resources for staying fit at home.

Five-minute speech therapy activities you can do at home? Yes, please.

The International Association for Spelling as Communication offers this inclusive guide to coronavirus resources.

We created a visual behavior chart, with a wide array of possible rewards to work toward. Download here.

A PDF from the CDC offers good visual guidance for stopping the spread.

What is the Coronavirus? is a simple downloadable book that explains the situation calmly and clearly. And with really cute illustrations.

Child Mind offers support for children with ADHD during the coronavirus.

Here’s a good story on apps that help individuals with autism amid the pandemic. (As an aside, I’ve had great success with Proloquo2Go for my son who does not speak, although the price tag is hefty.)

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a page with tips and resources for people with disabilities.

The Arc of Virginia has a good roundup of resources for individuals with disabilities and their families.

What is Coronavirus? from the Autism Society of Northern Louisiana

Psychology Today has some ideas for explaining global pandemics to children with autism.

What to do if your family member with autism is diagnosed with COVID-19 and hospitalized

Social Stories

Carol Gray created a social story about the pandemic.

Autism Services, Education, Resources, and Training Collaborative (ASERT) has a simple social story that has been translated into several languages.

And Little Puddins has an adorable social story that has also been translated into other languages.

And a social story from Easter Seals, with images of young adults.

And we have created a short social story to help individuals understand why caregivers may wear masks.

Now hiring HopeStarters