Emergency Services: 540-373-6876

Wouldn’t it be nice if babies came with instruction manuals? Parenting is hard. Can you imagine the additional stress of single parenting, inadequate income, domestic violence, limited education, or having to raise a child or children from the memories of your own unpleasant childhood?

Healthy Families Rappahannock Area (HFRA) is a living, breathing manual that offers a nationally accredited program providing regular home visits to promote positive parenting, improve childhood outcomes, and increase family self-sufficiency through education and community support.  Parents participate in home visits so they can learn how to recognize and respond to their babies’ changing developmental needs, use positive discipline techniques, cope with the day-to-day stress of parenting in healthy ways, and set and achieve family goals.

These voluntary but intensive supports begin prenatally or right after birth. Families can be supported through the child’s fifth birthday.

As a non-profit, we work closely with our fiscal agent, the Rappahannock Area Community Services Board, and our other community partners, to support child well-being and prevent abuse and neglect through the promotion of positive parenting. Healthy Families Rappahannock Area is a member agency of the Rappahannock United Way.

The Rappahannock Area Community Services Board serves as the fiscal agent for Healthy Families Rappahannock Area.

Now hiring HopeStarters