Get your front porch Instagram-ready with stunning, sturdy mums—a staple of fall decorating. And help adults with a developmental disability at the same time.
“Mums in bud are the best bang for the buck. A heavily budded mum can last through Thanksgiving as long as no heavy frost is allowed to brown the top of the plant.”
Horticulture Program Manager Andy Lynn.
The adults who attend the day support program grow these mums as a fundraiser and a therapeutic activity.
Rappahannock Adult Activities annual fall plant sale in Fredericksburg started early this year, with vegetables and flowers. That sale is going strong, and now the program’s popular mums bloom in brilliant colors: orange, burgundy, yellow, purple, and white.
Want some ideas for using mums in your front porch decor?
Check out our fall outdoor decor pinterest board to see how mums can fit in with so many different decorating styles.
Come and get your mums (while social distancing)
See a full list of available plants and download an order form here. Choose your plants and email the form to [email protected]. RAAI offers curbside pickup at 750 Kings Highway in Stafford County.
Curbside pickup runs Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon.
Proceeds from the sale benefit RAAI’s day support program for adults with developmental disabilities. The program helps participants learn new skills, develop friendships and explore their community. Horticulture is one of many hobbies that individuals can pursue through the program.
For more than 40 years, RAAI day support services have helped caregivers be able to maintain jobs and hobbies, while providing adults with developmental disability chances to develop hobbies and friendships. RAAI serves more than 160 individuals in the City of Fredericksburg and counties of Caroline, King George, Spotsylvania and Stafford.
For details, call RAAI at 540/373-7643 or visit

“Fall has always been my favorite season, the time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.”
Lauren Destefano