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A canceled appointment. A grumpy cashier. A bad call from a referee. 

Each day brings many frustrations. And a little bit of anger is normal–and, even healthy. But if anger interrupts your life and harms your relationships, you could be in trouble. RACSB will offer a new anger management course in our Spotsylvania Clinic starting Aug. 13. 

Participants will gain the tools necessary to manage emotions and to respond constructively instead of destructively. This course will make a difference in your life–and in the lives of those around you. 

How do you know if anger management could help you?

This class can help if:

  • You can’t control your anger. 
  • Anger is damaging your relationships.
  • Your anger has become abusive. 
  • Loved ones start to fear you. 
  • You break things or become aggressive. 
  • You find yourself in frequent arguments. 
  • You’ve had trouble with the law. 

Why should you care about controlling your anger?

  • Anger issues can cause headaches and other bodily pains. 
  • Unchecked anger can also lead to heart problems. 
  • Breaking objects can become expensive. 
  • Taming your temper can protect your relationships. 
  • Anger issues can lead to over-consumption of alcohol and drugs. 
  • You can become happier and more relaxed. 

How does it work? 

The next Anger Management group will begin Monday, Aug. 13 at 5 p.m.  To enroll, follow these simple steps:


  • Anger Management Intake: Intakes are $50 which must be paid at the time of intake. Please bring your court order, if you have one.  Present to the Spotsylvania Clinic during Open Access on a Monday, Wednesday, or Thursday between the hours of 9 am and 2 pm to complete an Anger Management Intake. Intakes must be completed by Thursday, Aug. 9 to begin this round of Anger Management.


  • Anger Management is held on Mondays from 5-6 pm at the Spotsylvania Clinic. Anger Management is a 10-week program with a cost of $20 per class. There are no make-up days so you must attend each session in order to successfully complete this course. At the end of the 10 weeks you will be provided with a Certificate of Completion.  If you have outstanding fees with RACSB your certificate will be withheld until these fees are satisfied.