Emergency Services: 540-373-6876

As Covid-19 continues to impact our community, we are monitoring the situation to help you keep up-to-date, and to help you navigate the new normal.

Emergency Services

Emergency Services are still available. Please call 540-373-6876 if you or a loved one are experiencing a crisis.

Behavioral Health Services

We have continued to provide mental health services throughout the pandemic. In fact, we have served more individuals as behavioral healthcare needs have increased. We offer virtual and face-to-face counseling.

Clinic Appointments

Most appointments are being held via telehealth. For people who need to be seen face-to-face, we do offer some in-office appointments.

When coming into the office:

If you have an appointment with us and don’t feel well, please call to reschedule.

We have revised our check-in procedures. When you arrive at the clinic, please leave your mobile number with the front desk. We ask that you wait in your car and we will text or call you when it is time to be seen.

Please do not bring any extra people to your appointments–only those who are essential.

Caroline County Clinic 
Patricia K. Spaulding Building
19254 Rogers Clark Blvd.
Ruther Glen, VA 22546
804-633-9997 V/TTY
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday: Closed 
Get Directions 
Fredericksburg Clinic 
Ronald W. Branscome Building
600 Jackson Street
Fredericksburg, VA 22401
540-373-3223 V/TTY
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. 
Get Directions
King George County Clinic
Marie O. Kunlo Building 
8479 St Anthonys Road
King George, VA 22485
540-775-9879 V/TTY
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday: Closed
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Spotsylvania County Clinic 
Edith O. Fleming Building 
7424 Brock Road
Spotsylvania, VA 22553
540-582-3980 V/TTY
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (by appointment only)
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Stafford County Clinic
Charles A. Cooper Building 
15 Hope Road 
Stafford, VA 22554 
540-659-2725 V/TTY
Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Friday: Closed
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Same Day Access

Due to COVID-19 concerns, Same Day Access appointments are scheduled versus having multiple individuals come to the clinic and having to wait for their appointment time.

Same Day Access schedules are as follows:
• Fredericksburg Clinic: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 8:30a.m. to 2:30 pm, Tuesday 9:30am – 2:30PM

• King George Clinic: Tuesday-1:00 pm-5:00 pm and Wednesday- 8:00 am- 12:00 pm
• Stafford Clinic: Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
• Spotsylvania Clinic: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 9:00 am- 2:00 pm
• Caroline Clinic: Tuesday and Thursday 8:30am – 11:30

Please call your clinic to set up an intake:

  • Caroline County, 804-633-9997
  • Fredericksburg, 540-373-3223
  • King George, 540-775-9879
  • Spotsylvania, 540-582-3980
  • Stafford, 540-659-2725
Peer-Run Support Groups

Three drop-in substance use disorder groups will be held via Zoom.

Remodeled Recovery – Mondays 12:30-1:30

Meeting ID: 953 6245 1383

Password: 501618

Serenity sisters – Tuesdays 12:30-1:30

Meeting ID: 949 8474 4733

Password: 403644

Hunger for Hope – Fridays 3:30-4:30

Meeting ID: 993 5972 2307

Password: 846375

These groups are for those dealing with drug and/or alcohol use and in need of support.  Those who choose to participate agree to attend in a private space without others’ present.  Those who attend will be asked to share their location and contact number with the host at the start of group, in case of emergency.

Learn more about our peer-run support groups here.

Growing Recovery

Growing Recovery’s peer support groups are currently meeting via Zoom.  Please contact Tracy at [email protected] to register to participate.  Links will be sent after registration is received.

If you have questions, you can contact Tracy  at the above email or Carlie at 540-369-2797.

Other Resources

Board Meeting

Our Board of Directors and committee meetings will be held at our River Club building for the near future, as the larger space allows for social distancing. Meetings may sometimes be offered via Zoom or by hybrid. Check for announcements and email [email protected] for details.

Day Support Programs and Groups

Day support programs are slowly reopening. You should be contacted by your case manager/support coordinator or by someone at the program.

Striking a Balance

We are balancing the needs of our staff, our individuals served, and our community as we try to follow safety and health guidelines concerning the outbreak. We are also aware that times of uncertainty are even more unsettling for individuals with developmental disability, mental illness, or substance use disorder.

If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please call emergency services at 540-373-6876.

We also encourage you to take care of your mental health while looking out for your physical health during this time. Here are some resources to help:

Helping Children
Make-your-own Mindfulness Jars
Child and Adolescent Therapist Sara Connell combines crafts with coping skills in this video about mindfulness jars. Learn how to help your child find calm in the chaos.
Printable Anxiety Journals

Here is a printable anxiety journal, specific to the coronavirus outbreak. It is a good place to record feelings and worries, and provides some help developing coping skills.

Here is a printable anxiety activity book to help children (and adults!) cope with uncertainty and angst.

Helpful Ideas

Tips for helping children through the coronavirus outbreak, from our Prevention Services staff.

Five ways to help children cope with anxiety (an RACSB blog post)

PBS Parents offers advice on destressing–for you and for your kids.

NPR provides this advice for parents and caregivers to help children with their Covid-related anxiety.

Supporting Recovery

RACSB’s virtual recovery resources

Al-Anon Electronic Meetings

Narcotics Anonymous Virtual meeting list  

In the Rooms – Global Recovery Community 

Here is a link to online meetings for Alcoholics Anonymous. And you can find details on phone meetings here.

Smart Recovery offers an online community for individuals who wish to remain abstinent from drugs and alcohol and/or other problem behaviors or activities.

Life Ring Secular Recovery has an online meeting schedule set up to help during the coronavirus outbreak.

Please be aware that smoking, vaping, or methamphetamine use may exacerbate COVID-19.

Substance Use Disorder Potential COVID-19 Implications for Substance Use Disorder

Harm Reduction Resources for People who use Drugs

Phone Applications (Apps)

Use your iPhone (using the App Store) or Android Smartphone (using Google Play Store) to help your mind and body wellness for a healthier, happier life and get the most out of your day.

  • Calm
  • Headspace
  • Breathe2Relax
  • Mindshift CBT
  • Woebot
  • Stop, Breathe, and Think
  • PTSD Coach
  • Quarantine Chat
  • Sober Grid
  • AA Big Book Free – For Alcoholics Anonymous
  • Shine
Irritability, rage, frustration — they can burn us up inside. When the mind holds tight, the body can take on additional tension. You can’t prevent feelings from arising, but this exercise guides you toward releasing them more efficiently, fostering peace of mind.
Protecting Your Emotional Wellness

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has released a sheet of tips for staying healthy and taking care of your behavioral health, including:

Reaching out to people you trust is one of the best ways to reduce anxiety, depression, loneliness, and boredom during social distancing, quarantine, and isolation. You can:

• Use the telephone, email, text messaging, and social media to connect with friends, family, and others.

• Talk “face to face” with friends and loved ones using Skype or FaceTime.

• If approved by health authorities and your health care providers, arrange for your friends and loved ones to bring you newspapers, movies, and books.

• Sign up for emergency alerts via text or email to ensure you get updates as soon as they are available.

• Call SAMHSA’s free 24-hour Disaster Distress Helpline at 1-800-985-5990, if you feel lonely or need support.

• Use the Internet, radio, and television to keep up with local, national, and world events.

• If you need to connect with someone because of an ongoing alcohol or drug problem, consider calling your local Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous offices.

Find an expanded post on mental health resources here.

Depression and Bipolar Online Support Groups                                                       

Tip sheet for coping with obsessive compulsive order amid COVID-19

Coranavirus-specific tips from the International OCD Foundation

Dr. Jon Grayson on coping with COVID-19 with OCD

A few other ways to find support via phone or computer

  • Mental Health America of Virginia Non-Emergency Warm Line 866.400.6428  M-F 9am-9pm; Sat-Sun 5pm-9pm
  • National Suicide Lifeline (800)273-8255 or chat online at suicidepreventionlifeline.org 
  • The Trevor Project (866) 488-7386 or www.thetrevorproject.org
  • The National Domestic Violence Hotline is 24/7, confidential and free:1-800-799-7233 and through chat.
  • The National Sexual Assault Hotline is 24/7, confidential and free:800.656.HOPE (4673) and through chat.
  • The StrongHearts Native Helpline for domestic/sexual violence is available 7am-10pm CT, confidential, and specifically for Native communities:1−844-762-8483
  • The Trans LifeLine for peer support for trans folks 9am-3am CT:1-877-565-8860 This hotline is staffed exclusively by trans operators is the only crisis line with a policy against non-consensual active rescue.
  • National Parent Helpline Monday -Friday 12pm-9am CT emotional support and advocacy for parents:1-855-2736
  • Disaster Distress Hotline – A free, national hotline providing 24/7, 365- day-a-year crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to disasters (including infectious disease outbreak). Trained counselors offer crisis counseling, information on recognizing distress, tips for healthy coping, and referrals for local care. For English speaker, call 1-800-846-8517 or text TalkWithUs to 66746. For Spanish speakers, call 1-800-985-5990 and press “2.”

Mental Health First Aid offers tips for helping individuals with mental illness during COVID-19.

Some great tips on using deep breathing to relax.

Keep Your Mind Grounded– Mental Health America

5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation – Diana Winston

Helping Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Here is a list of resources from the ARC of Virginia.

Here is a roundup of 5-minute speech therapy activities you can do at home.

And a social story by Carol Gray about the pandemic.

A social story featuring young adults from Easter Seals and Illinois Autism Partnership.

Another social story from a teacher in Ireland.

Psychology Today has some ideas for explaining global pandemics to children with autism.

What is Coronavirus? from the Autism Society of Northern Louisiana

Special Needs Parenting in the Age of a Pandemic: An article written by the dad of a young man with autism.

What should the autism community know about COVID-19? From Autism Speaks.

What to do if your family member with autism is diagnosed with COVID-19 and hospitalized

What to Do When Your Child on the Autism Spectrum’s Routine Is Disrupted by the Coronavirus

Sensory balanced daily schedules